
Tal i com diu la banda sonora de "4 bodes i un funeral", l'amor és a tot arreu. I el romaticisme també és molt present a Xina... I deixeu-me que un critiqui una mica abans d'explicar-vos de què es tracta (tot i que ja ho veieu a la foto). Sona una mica com el dia de la mare o Sant Valentí... Vaja, aquell tipus de tradicions que la majoria no sabem ben bé d'on surten, però que ens acaben escurant la butxaca... Ara, tots aquells que sigueu fans d'ambdues festes, em podeu atacar públicament deixant-me missatges al blog. ;)
En fi, la tradició consisteix en pujar a la muntanya amb la parella i "encadenar" el vostre amor a la muntanya mitjançant un d'aquests candaus (que prèviament us han marcat per un bon preu) perquè duri per sempre... No em mal interpreteu, la veritat és que té la seva gràcia... És més, per això ho he fotogrfiat. És fins i tot bonic. Desafortunadament, a la muntanya i vam pujar tres, i candaus per tres, a Xina, de moment encara no en tenen....

Four weddings a funeral's soundtrack says it: Love is all around. And romanticism is also very present in China... And let me criticise it a bit before I tell you what this is about (although you can tell by the picture), but it sounds a bit like the mother's day or Valentine's Day... One of those celebrations many of us don't know why they're there but that always make us spend some money... Now, those who do celebrate this two can publicly kill me by leaving all kinds of messages on my blog. ;)
Anyway, it consists in climbing the mountain with your loved one and seal your love using one of the lockers you see (previously marked paying some yuans) so your love lasts forever... Don't get me wrong, tha truth is it has its charm... Even more, that why I took the picture. I think it's cute. Unfortunately, we were three that day, and in China they still don't have threesome lockers...

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