
Normalment, hi hagi poca o molta contaminació, plogui o faci sol o plogui, obrir la cortina de l'habitació és sempre agradable. Avui, no. Aquí al vídeo i i foto podeu veure el que m'he trobat quan m'he llevat, un gratacels en flames... L'incendi a començat al pisos baixos hi ha anat pujant fins a dalt de tot, i per la manera i la velocitat en què s'ha cremat, ho ha passat prop de les escales o en algun lloc on corria l'aire... Ara ja està apagat, de fet no ha tardat massa. Però la imatge en directe ha estat brutal, i pensar en viure en aquell edifici encara més!
Nota informativa: l'edifici segueix desallotjat. Són les 19.20 i està completament a les fosques. Us mantindré informats.
Per cert, sí, ja ho sé... No sé perquè coi ho he gravat en vertical, ara no ho sé posar horitzontal! jejeje

Normally, either with smog or without, in a sunny or rainny day, staring out the window when I waske up feels good. Not today. In the video and picture you'll see what I found today: a burning skyscraper! The fire started in the lower floors and it fast grew up to the top ones. And by the line it followed and the speed it had, it must have taken the staircase way or somewhere that worked as a wind pipe. because it was fast and somehow structured. The fire is totally extinguished now. In fact it didn't last very long (as far as I could see). But watching it in live was brutal, and just thinking living there even more!
Note: It's 19.20 and the building's lights are all off. Noone there tonite. I'll keep you posted.
By the way. I know... why the hell did I recorded it like that if I can't put it straight... hahaha

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