

Ha passat un mes... I tot i que penso molt amb tothom, la veritat és que no he tingut gaire temps d'anyorar-me ;) Ja sabeu com sóc. Tot i això, veure una cara coneguda i amb qui parlar en català sempre és agradable i ve de gust. De fet l'Alfons va ser l'excusa per anar d'excursió a Shanghai ja que sovint corre per Xina i aquell dia era a la ciutat. I aprofito per donar-li les gràcies per preocupar-se de la meva estada a Xina, interessar-se pels meus plans, trucar-me, fer de missatger ;), i anar a sopar amb mi per Shanghai. Va estar molt bé! Merci i fins aviat.


A month has passed by... and although I think a lot about everyone, I still haven't had the time to really miss anything ;) You know me... However, meet someone you know and speak catalan for a while is always nice. In fact, Alfons was the excuse to visit Shanghai, since he is often traveling around China and that day he was in the city. And I take the chance to thank him for caring about my stay in China, my future plans, calling me, act as a messenger ;), and having dinner with me. It was really nice! Thanks and see you soon.

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