
大连 Dalian

大连 Dalian

S'han acabat les mini vacances... Però tornem a començar la rutina amb un bon sabor de boca. Ha estat una escapada tranquil·la, però molt interessant. Visites a museus, la frontera amb Corea del Nord, platges i moltes marisqueries. Tot plegat, molts moments interessants que espero poder anar explicant durant aquests dies. De moment, us deixo amb el vídeo pertinent.

Holidays are over... But we go back to routine with many good memories. It's been a peaceful break, but a very interesting one. We visited museums, the border with North Korea, beaches and many seafood restaurants. All in all, lots of interesting moments that I hope I'll be able to talk to you about these coming days. Meanwhile I leave you with the slide video.

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