
Dos mesos i mig fa que corro per Nanjing, i dos mesos fa que vam descobrir Don Rafael, un bar espanyol que porten en Max i la seva nòvia Wu Ping, propietat d'en Rafel, qui recentment hem pogut conèixer (En Rafel passa temporades a Nanjing com a propietari de Bodegues Crestatx, vi que exporta a Xina).
I no podia deixar d'esmentar el bar al Blog, ja que mica en mica s'ha convertit en el nostre punt de trobada. Sense deixar Xina arribes a aquest trosset de Mallorca on t'envoltes de "català", espanyol, i on tot té gust d'oli d'oliva. Una delícia. I el tracte ja no és només molt agradable, sinó amistós.
Aquest divendres feia dos mesos de l'obertura del bar, i ho vam celebrar entre copes de vi i truita de patates. Esperem poder-hi celebrar molts més aniversaris!

So far I have been 2.5 months in Nanjing, and for 2 months we've been going to Don Rafael, a Spanish bar led by Max and his girlfriend Wu Ping, owned by Rafel, who we recently met (Rafel spends short periods of time in Nanjing each year as the owner of Bodegas Crestatx. He exports wine to China).
And I had to mention the bar in the Blog since, step by step it became our meeting point. Without leaving China you reach this little piece of Mallorca, where you're surrounded by catalan, spanish, and where everything tastes like olive oil. Wonderfull. And the treat you receive is no longer just very nice, it's now friendly.
Last friday the bar had been open for two months already, and we celebrated it among wine and tortilla. We hope we'll celebrate there many more annivresaries.

1 comentari:

  1. Ja pots demanar taula a Don Rafael per quan nosaltrees vinguem.Em sembla que sera l'unic lloc que hi soparé de gust.
