
Ja em coneixeu... Allà on vaig ho provo una mica tot, inclòs el refredat xino... I per tal de treure'm-el de sobrem, la Natalia ha decidit fer servir, a part de l'acupuntura, el "Cupping". Us ho explico a la meva manera i com jo ho vai entendre. Consisteix en utilitzar aquestes "copes" per tal de treure del cos el fred gripal que entra a l'organisme i flueix pels canals del cos fins arribar, per exemple, als pulmons... Ja us informaré si funciona o no. De moment us puc dir que és relaxant, tot i que al final m'han quedat 3 cercles marcats a l'esquena de record...

You know me... Wherever I go I try to get to know a bit of everything, including getting a chinese cold in this case... And in order to get ridd of it, Natalia is using, a part from acupuncture, "Cupping". I'll explain it to you in a simple way, the way I understood it. It consists in using these "cups" in order to suck the cold air of the cold out of the body. The air that gets to the organism and flows through the body channels to reach, for example, the lungs... I will let you know if it works or not. Right now I can only tell you that it is really relaxing, although I now have three circles on my back...

3 comentaris:

  1. Uff a mi tb m'ho van fer..aquests 3 cercles et quedaram per uns quans dies rotllo xupetons d'hipopòtam.Mira si estic fatal que he llegit terapia Chuputing!!!! de xupito!!jajajaja

    Cuidat aquest refredat!
    Dani R

  2. Literalment, et surt fum del cap!!!
    Ptons xin!

  3. It looks like it is even more fun and relaxing than spooning!
