Fa pocs dies, "fullejant" diaris a internet, vaig a anar a parar a una nova secció de "el país" que em va semblar prou interessant: (pre)parados. On la gent de la meva generació i dels voltants, explica la seva situació entorn la crisi. El resum és que, gràcies al moment que ens ha tocat viure, sóm una de les generacions millor formades de la història del país i, segurament, a causa d'aquest període de decadència, una de les més frustrades.
Hi ha qui explica la precarietat del qui treballa, per res, al país. N´hi ha que expliquen que senzillament és impossible trobar una oportunitat per poder demostrar que s'està preparat. També hi ha aquells qui expliquen que al final, després de molt buscar, van decidir emigrar... I llavors vaig pensar que també hi volia participar, representant aquells que a l'estranger sempre ens hi hem sentit bé, que ens hem volgut formar veient món, però que tot i que sempre hem pensat en tornar, veient el panorama, no sabem si podem o ni tan sols si ens hi atrevim.
Així doncs vaig enviar la carta...
Fes un clic AQUÍ per llegir l'article.
Not long ago, going through several newspapers on the net, I came across a new section from "el país" ( a spanish newspaper) which I thought was pretty interesting: (pre)parados ( a word game between being educated and jobless ). There, people from my generations and those nearby, tell they're situation within the curent crisis. To summ up, the thing is thanks to the momment we lived in, we are one of the most prepared generations of the country's history and, due to this decadence periode we are going through, probably one of the most frustrated.
Some explain the precarious jobs they accept. Some others explain how impossible it is to be given an opportunity to prove you're ready and prepared. There are also those who explain that at the end, after a lot of searching, decided to emigrate... And then I thought I also wanted to participate, representing those who have always been fine living abroad and decided that wanted to learn by seeing the world, and although we always thought one day we'd be back, seeing the ituation, we don't know if we can or if we should even dare.
So I sent the letter...
Click HERE to read the article (only if you can read spanish)